Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Labour Management / Scheduling Committee Update

The next Labour Management /Scheduling Committee meeting will be held February 12, 2007.

Please forward any concerns or suggestions to:

Brian Henderson
Tel: 519-856-0295
email: putz@cogeco.ca , or

email: crwu@sympatico.ca

The minutes from the last Labour Management /Scheduling Committee meeting are now available for download.

Double click link(s) below to view or right-click to download and save.

Minutes - Labour Management /Scheduling Committee meeting November 6, 2006

MS Word Format
Acrobat Format

Friday, January 12, 2007

Information Updates and Grievance Report


WEG has granted several work accommodations, which have allowed employees to opt out of working some shifts.

Under many circumstances, the employer is obligated by Provincial and Federal Legislation (see links below) to provide a worker accommodation if they posses a disability that prevents them from performing their duties. The same applies if a worker has obligations to care for a disabled, infirmed or elderly family member.

Ontario Human Rights Commission:

Ontario Ministry of Labour:
Job-Protected Family Medical Leave Now Includes Relatives And Close Friends



Our collective agreement, which has been proofed and signed, is being printed in booklet form. It will be distributed ASAP.

It is now available for download.
Double click above link(s) to view or right-click to download and save.

Collective Agreement 2006
MS Word Format
Acrobat Format



The Union has withdrawn a policy grievance that each Seniority List should be entitled to twelve (12) one day/shift SU’s for calendar year 2006.

WEG has agreed to allow employees to choose less than three shifts when making themselves available for the seventh day of the week.


UPDATE on FSCO order to include Non Seniority List employees in Pension Plan

WEG has sent another submission to the Commission. In their submission dated December 12, 2006, WEG restates its displeasure with the decision and closes with the following statement:

" As you can undoubtedly appreciate, there would be tremendous practical difficulties associated with implementing any such orders, particularly on a retroactive basis. In such circumstances, it may be necessary for the Company to seek direction from the courts."

We await the Commission’s response.


Voluntary Resignation With Severance Payment Calculation Forms

Employees have been able to obtain Voluntary Resignation With Severance Payment Calculation Forms from Jessica Luddington and Julie Morano of WEG Human Resources Deparment.