The following information is a general overview of some of the rules of eligibility for Employment Insurance (EI) and Canada Pension Plan (CPP).
The union or any of its representatives do not take any responsibility for the content of this information and how it will affect each individuals claim for EI or CPP.
1) For those employees who have taken or will be taking the severance package and have resigned or will resign from the workplace; You have four weeks from your resignation date to apply for EI .
When you apply for EI, the employment insurance office will determine how long your severance will last based on your average week’s earnings. This will all be indicated on your record of employment (ROE). Once your severance is exhausted by their calculations then your EI will start. Your will not lose any of your eligible weeks of EI due to your severance.
*For those employees who were able to transfer some or all of their severance into their RRSP account you will have to discuss this with the EI office to see how this is handled.
**One thing regarding EI; once you are receiving the benefit you must report any earnings you have and if you are away on vacation for an extended period. Service Canada does have a cooperative program with Custom’s Canada to match any EI recipients to people who have left the country. Extended vacations would be of concern; weekend shopping in Buffalo would not be a concern.
2) Anyone between the ages of 60 and 65 and who do not plan to work, should be aware that if they do not apply for CPP now, the years between 60 and 65 that they do not work will be included in calculating the eventual amount of CPP you will receive. Service Canada does eliminate a percentage of your low earning years from the calculation, so if you do not work this will add more low earning years to the calculation and possibly lower your CPP benefit.
3) Anyone who is medically documented to be permanently disabled and unable to work should apply for disability CPP regardless of their age.
Working People Need Unions: We formed our union because we could not depend on employers to provide us with dignity, a measure of security and a rising standard of living. And, over the years, we did make impressive gains. But our objectives remain far from fulfilled, and with even our past gains under attack, we need unions today as much as we ever did". (CAW Constitution)
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Assistance, please
Any member who has a valid phone number for Richard Swinburk or knows
how to contact him either call me at 905-334-6118 or have Richard call
Thank you,
Bob Ciprick