Hello Fellow Employees.
Watch you mailbox for a questionnaire from your negotiating commitee.
You can click on this link - QUESTIONAIRE - to download a copy.
Please return the questionnaire as soon as possible. We have negotiating meetings with Woodbine scheduled for February 21, 27 & 28. We plan on submitting our union proposals on February 27 or 28. We will modify our proposals to reflect the views of the membership.
At an appropriate time, we plan on having a bargaining unit meeting to report the progress of negotiations and review our proposals and recommendations.
We are pleased to launch our website and will be posting bargaining information as soon as it becomes available. So,

If you would like to receive information by email, please forward your address to our new official email address crwu@sympatico.ca .
We all want better wages, benefits, working conditions and job security--the skill is to prioritize, to identify significant issues and develop legitimate consensus and policy where necessary. This is a difficult and ongoing process; but it is the road to credibility. It is the responsibility of democratic leadership to show the way and lead the way and let the membership choose the way.
Yours sincerely,
Brian D Henderson President CRWU
519-856-0295 putz@cogeco.ca
John Stafford Vice President CRWU
519-534-9051 jrstafford@sympatico.ca
Susan Borbely Secretary-Treasurer CRWU
905-791-9018 sborbely1003@rogers.com
Bargaining Committee Members: Tracy Duenas, Daren Gomez, Wendy Heipel, Wayne Morning, Lennox Gonsalves(1st Alternate) & Mary Benini(2nd Alternate).