Friday, April 21, 2006

Negotiations Update - April 21, 2006

Our bargaining committee met with WEG on April 17, 18 & 19.

We have made little progress at the table.

Negotiations have been deadlocked on the issues of:

- Scheduling of work, including the assignment of unfilled, additional and vacated shifts
- Minimum requirements for Seniority and Eligibility List employees,
- Size of the Seniority List and
- Minimum shift length.

We presented, to WEG, our revised proposals to amend the previous Collective Agreement on April 17.

WEG is following its usual pattern of showing little interest in Union issues and may be preparing to go directly to employees with a government-supervised vote. It should be no surprise to anyone, that our issues and the negotiating committee will not be taken seriously until WEG is convinced that we have the courage and determination to reject any WEG offer presented to us in this manner, with or without, a lockout threat attached.

When we are at work, it is important that we send the right message to our fellow employees, especially those recently hired, and any WEG management with which we may come in contact. We have the resolve and the strength to pursue our collective goals and in this we are united. We are a Union.

The Union has filed for the assistance of a Labour Ministry appointed conciliation officer. Like any competent union, we are preparing, with the Teamsters for the possibility of a labour dispute.

Copies of our Revised Proposals are available for download.
Double click link to view or right-click to download and save.

Revised Union Proposals tabled April 17/06
MS Word format
Acrobat format

We are scheduled to resume discussions with Woodbine on May 1 & 2.