Sunday, June 04, 2006

Negotiations Update - June 03, 2006

Our bargaining committee met with WEG on May 30 and June 2.

We have meetings with WEG scheduled for June 7 and 9.

Woodbine has hired approximately 100 new mutuel employees in recent months. These new hirees are members of our bargaining unit and, as such, will be entitled to vote on any Collective Agreement under the Labour Laws of Ontario. It is extremely important that these new employees understand, as we all should, that we are determined to secure an agreement that benefits all members of the bargaining unit.

It is in the interest of all of us, including newly hired employees, to support our bargaining committee in its efforts.

Teamsters Canada, Local 419 has provided us with an office, a computer and other necessary equipment at the Teamsters Canada location on Airport Road. We will be setting up our office in the near future and will notify the membership with all the details as soon as they become available.

NOTICE: All members have been notified of a Bargaining Unit Meetting, June 10/06. Check our previous post for details.