Friday, December 14, 2007


At the special membership meeting held Wednesday Dec. 12, the proposed Constitution and Bylaws for CAW Local 2007 was unanimously approved.

The new CAW Local 2007 Constitution and Bylaws is available on our Documents and Reports page. (See NEW FEATURE - on right, below logo)

The members in attendance also unanimously approved John Stafford (Chair) and Nancy Maher as the Election Committee to oversee the upcoming Executive Board Elections (see below).

Nominations were received for the following positions on the Executive.

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Secretary Treasurer
  • 2 Trustees
As per our new Constitution.

All eligible Members shall be automatically nominated for each office for which they may be eligible if they accept the nomination orally at the Nomination Meeting or in writing within seven (7) days of the Nomination Meeting. Members may nominate other Members within (5) days of the Nomination Meeting by notifying the Local Union in writing. Any means of communication which is capable of producing a written record will be acceptable. It is the responsibility of the nominator to notify the nominee that they have been nominated so they can accept the nomination in a timely manner.

Nomination are still open for all positions until 9:00 pm Dec. 17th, 2007.
Acceptances must be submitted by 9:00 pm Dec.19, 2007.

Both nomination and/or acceptances must be in writing as per above.
Fax ,or email is acceptable.

POST to Local Union Office
FAX to 416-628-7959

The Election Meeting will be held on Sunday, Feb. 10, 2008 (details to follow)


All members of Local 2007 are encouraged to support our Brothers and Sisters in their struggle with WEG.
You are reminded that picketing begins at 4:00 pm weekdays and at 12:00 noon on weekends.

Picketing is escalating and further support from area CAW locals will increase.

See the following appeal sent by the National Union to all area Locals.

We all know how difficult it can be to effectively picket at Woodbine and Mohawk.

The battle that our fellow workers face here is ours to share.

For more picketing information call Brian Henderson at 647-504-8499

Message from our CAW National Representative, Brian Stevens:

Thanks to those that made their way to the picket lines last night at Woodbine and beginning today (Thursday) we are escalating the picket line activity and your support would be very helpful. Woodbine has multiple entrances and the more people that come out, the greater our ability to have some effect on the operations there. We have established a picket headquarters at the Comfort Hotel (455 Rexdale at hwy 27) if people want to check in there first to see if any particular entrance needs some added support.
In sol