Working People Need Unions: We formed our union because we could not depend on employers to provide us with dignity, a measure of security and a rising standard of living. And, over the years, we did make impressive gains. But our objectives remain far from fulfilled, and with even our past gains under attack, we need unions today as much as we ever did". (CAW Constitution)
Monday, December 29, 2008
Negotiations Update
The parties will be in a legal strike/lock-out position as of 12:01 am Wednesday, January 28.
The parties have indicated a willingness not to initiate a labour dispute as long as the bargaining is progressing toward an agreement.
We anticipate calling a membership meeting when we have a sense of how the talks are going.
Elimination of “Elect To Work” Exemptions
The Ontario Government has introduced Bill 139, the Employment Standards Amendment Act (Temporary Help Agencies), 2008, and also announced related changes to the ESA regulations. These changes will affect any employer or organization that:
(1) employs “elect to work” or casual employees;
(2) is a temporary help agency; or
(3) uses the services of a temporary help agency.
While the focus of Bill 139 is on temporary help agencies, the government announced related changes that affect all “elect to work” employees. Elect to work employees are those who are employed on a casual basis, and have the ability to refuse work assignments offered by their employers, without suffering negative consequences. Currently, elect to work employees are exempt from the public holidays provisions of the ESA, and are exempt from the requirement to provide notice of termination (or termination pay in lieu of notice) and severance pay.
The government announced that it has already passed a regulation that will eliminate the elect to work exemption that relates to public holiday pay, as of January 2, 2009. This means that, beginning with Family Day next year, elect to work employees will be entitled to public holiday pay under the ESA, just like any other employee.
The government also announced its intention to pass a regulation that will eliminate the elect to work exemptions related to notice of termination and severance pay. When this regulation is passed, it will mean that elect to work employees will be entitled to notice of termination (or termination pay in lieu of notice) and severance pay under the ESA. At this time, it appears that the Government will wait until Bill 139 is passed (and possibly until it comes into force) before it eliminates these exemptions.
Click the link below for more details.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Negotiations Update - November 27, 08
On November 20, our Mutuel's Bargaining Committee met with Woodbine. At the Meeting WEG CFO Stephen Mitchell reviewed the financial status of WEG. Woodbine also presented written proposals for a new collective agreement. CAW National Rep. Brian Stevens outlined the Union's bargaining issues.
The parties scheduled meetings for December 17 and January 8.
On November 26, WEG filed for conciliation.
Brian Henderson
CAW Local 2007 President
Challenges Ahead - “The Opportunity We Face”
Click here for an open letter from John Aman, CAW National Director of Organizing
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Interested in Applying for the Eligibility List ??
Click here for a copy of the application (Schedule F, Collective Agreement)
Click here for a copy of Schedule E "Eligibility List" (from the Collective Agreement)
Applications can be sent by fax to WEG at 416-213-2140
Mohawk Christmas Party
Click here for the Poster/Invitation to the Mohawk Christmas Party, hosted by our CAW brothers and sisters in Food & Beverage, set for Dec. 17th at the Mohawk Inn.
See Poster for more info.
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
FYI - Recent Alberta Arbitration Decision re: Employer Attendance Policies
Also of interest: In another Alberta decision, an Arbitrator held that an Employee's Hurtful Blogging Justified Firing
Monday, August 18, 2008
Local 2007 CAW Leadership Convention Delegates Determined
Susan Borbely: acclaimed
George Shepherd: acclaimed
Brian Henderson: alternate
For Your Information:
Click here for Highlights of The Agreement between CAW and OLG recently ratified.
Please Note:
Our Documents & Reports page has been updated with the August 14, 08 Grievance Report.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Sunday, July 27, 2008
CAW Local 2007 Flying Squad to Support Toyota Strikers
Mississauga Toyota is located at 2215 Dundas St. E., Mississauga, ON (just west of Highway 427).
At 6:00 am we will be bussed to picket Toyota Canada head office at 1 Toyota Place in Scarborough.
All members are welcome to join us.
You may go directly to 1 Toyota Place which is north off Progress Road between McCowan Rd and Markham Rd. From Progress Road go north on Bellamy Rd.
We expect to arrive there at 7:00 am.
Election for Delegates to Special CAW Leadership Convention
There is a Special CAW Leadership Convention on September 6, 2008 at the Metro Convention Centre. Our Local is entitled to two delegates who are to be elected by our Local’s Membership. The Member's receiving the 3rd and 4th most votes will be alternate delegates respectively.
Written nominations will be accepted until Sunday, August 3 and must be accepted or declined by Wednesday, August 6. Nominations and acceptances may be faxed (416-628-7959) or emailed to the Local Union office or given to any Local Executive Member.
The Election will be conducted Tuesday, August 19, times and places to be announced.
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Members of CAW Local 252 at Mississauga Toyota Dealership Request Support
Members of CAW Local 252 at Mississauga Toyota Dealership have been on strike since June 5, 2008. The owners of this dealership tabled a long list of concessions that has forced our members on strike. They are demanding that the mechanics give up their guarantee of hours (which exists in the industry), and a major overhaul of the benefit plans that have been in place for decades, two-tier wage rates for some classifications, etc. This dealership has been unionized since the mid 60's. Some of our members are close to retirement with up to 40 years of service.
As all of you know, being on the picket line for over four weeks with small membership creates issues of morale and a sense of insecurity on the picket line, especially when four out of nineteen members are scabbing. Needless to say, your support on the picket line is CRUCIAL. I am appealing for you to spend whatever time you can on the picket line.
LOCATION: 2215 Dundas St. E., Mississauga, ON (just west of Highway 427)
TIMES: Monday - Friday, 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. & Saturday, 8 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
In Solidarity,
Sukhvinder Johl
National Representative,
416-419-8191 (cell) or 416-718-8448 or 416-495-6560 (fax)
In Other News....
The Pension Complaint Files section of the site has been updated with WEG's response to our latest Request to the FSCO that it issue an Order for WEG to comply with PBA.
To stay informed on the OLG Strike situation you are reminded to periodically check their WEBSITE for updates.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
June 18, 2008
CAW to Host Barbeque at Queen’s Plate –Woodbine Racetrack Sunday
(Toronto) - The CAW will be hosting a picket line barbeque at the Woodbine Racetrack on Sunday in honour of the Queen’s Plate race and the three-week long strike against concessions and the erosion of full time jobs at the Ontario Lottery and Gaming facility. Click here to read more
OLG Security at Woodbine Bargaining Update
Please read the following Bargaining Report #4 on the state of Negotiations between CAW and the OLG.
Check back here or for ongoing updates.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Buzz Hargrove Submits Letter to Federal Minister of Agriculture On Changes to CPMA Regulations

A special political action collective bargaining committee has been created to address our Local Union issues. The Committee consists of selected CAW staff representatives and representatives of our Local Union.
On behalf of the Committee, President Hargrove has made a submission to the Federal Minister Of Agriculture to address proposed changes to the CPMA regulations. Click HERE or on image at right.
Brian Henderson
Note: Minutes of the May 15, 08 Pension Committee have been added to the Documents and Reports page.
Friday, June 06, 2008
OLG Security at Woodbine Bargaining Update
Check back here or for ongoing updates.
Thursday, June 05, 2008
OLG Security at Woodbine Bargaining Update
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Bargaining Committee Election Results
Kevin McCool, Sylvia Surk, Claudette Trembley & David Allen
Chis Cotte is the first alternate.
Our current collective agreement expires December 31, 2008. The Committee will begin
the process of preparing proposals in the near future.
Please forward suggestions for the Bargaining Committee to the Union or any member of the bargaining committee.
Thank you to the Members who accepted nominations to the Committee.
Note: Please check the Documents and Reports page for updates on the Pension Case and Labour/Management.
OLG Security at Woodbine Bargaining Update:
As you are probably already aware, the OLG Security Unit, Woodbine-Slots are currently on strike at Woodbine. We will endeavor to keep you apprised of any developments.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
OLG Security at Woodbine Bargaining Update
The Documents and Reports page has been updated.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
TUESDAY, April 15, 7:45 pm. at the
Comfort Hotel (Humber Room) at Rexdale Blvd. and Hwy 27 (South-East corner)
This meeting has a full agenda (CLICK here for copy) .
The main item is the election of the Bargaining Committee:
Nominations will close on April 22, 2008. All nominations must be accepted by this date either orally at the Meeting, in writing and given to any local Union representative, or by email to, or by fax at 416-628-7959 to the Local Union office.
The nominator is responsible for notifying the member or members they have nominated so they will be aware of their obligation to accept or decline the nomination by April 22, 2008.
Elected Bargaining Committee members will have the opportunity to attend a one week Collective Bargaining course at the CAW Family Education Centre in Port Elgin this spring and the Local will be sending representatives to the CAW National Collective Bargaining Convention, June 10, 2008 to June 13, 2008 at the Sheraton Centre, Toronto, Ontario
Pension Complaint Update
The Financial Services Commission of Ontario has reversed its original position on the case.
Go to PENSION COMPLAINT FILES to read their letter of March 4, 08.
The Local, with assistance from the CAW National's legal department, are preparing an appeal of this decision.
Please Note: New Grievance Report posted on Documents & Reports Page
Friday, February 29, 2008
2008 Family Education Program - Apply by March 7th
Information and applications are available here as a pdf, as well as available online at
Please submit your applications as soon as possible by fax to 416-495-6554.
In solidarity,
CAW Director of Education
(416) 495-3790
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
New Form to Record Tote Incidents - Pension Case Files Now Available
In our ongoing effort to monitor this new installation and protect ourselves from any adverse effects going forward, we encourage all members to document any incidents that you become aware of.
To this end, we have initiated an online Tote Incident Report Form.
CLICK HERE > Tote Incident Report Form
A printable version is also available. (Click on above link)
The Union has had discussions with the Canadian Pari-Mutuel Agency regarding un-cancelled incorrect tickets, problems with the new Am Tote system, shortages and other regulatory issues affecting mutuel employees. These discussions are ongoing.

(Click image above to enlarge)
Pension Case Files Now Available
The Documents and Reports page has been updated with the latest Grievance Report and
Friday, January 04, 2008
CAW Local 2007 Issues Media Release
Media Advisory - Racetrack workers fight unfair practices
TORONTO, Jan. 2 /CNW/ - The Canadian Auto Workers Local 2007 has launched
The most recent example of this occurred on December 1, when a betting clerk at the Greenwood Teletheatre in Toronto mistakenly issued an incorrect ticket to a patron. The patron had asked to place a $500 bet on a number 5 horse to win, but the final ticket read number 6.
The race started before the betting clerk was able to cancel the ticket and correct the error. The patron refused to accept the incorrect ticket and refused to pay the $500 that was owed. As is common practice with Woodbine Entertainment Group it then becomes the betting clerk's responsibility to pay the outstanding $500 fee.
As it turned out, the incorrect ticket became a winning ticket paying out $7,825. Rather than allow the betting clerk to collect the winnings an employer representative confiscated the winning ticket and subsequently reimbursed the $500 fee. Woodbine refuses to turn over the full proceeds of the ticket, which was in the teller's possession.
Based on past practice at the racetrack, the union believes that had the ticket lost, the betting clerk would not have been reimbursed the $500.
Hemi Mitic, Assistant to the CAW National President, considers this a blatantly unfair practice for betting clerks.
"Our members are being told to foot the bill for incorrect tickets, regardless if they are responsible for the error or not, and then told that they can't share in the rewards," Mitic said. "This is a double-standard that our union simply won't stand for."
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Seniority List Employees’ Weekly Union Dues Deduction for 2008
As per our Merger Agreement and the CAW Constitution, the union dues payable by Seniority List employees is based on two hours and twenty minutes straight time pay:
(2 hours and twenty minutes times the hourly terminal operator rate of pay times12 months) divided by 52 weeks
WEG has indicated that payroll will implement the new deduction beginning in the 3rd week of January.
Thank You, Brothers and SistersLocal 2007 extends our sincerest thanks to all those who assisted during the Bartenders and Servers Strike.
In particular, CAW Local 252 and Local 112 extended logistical and picket line support that contributed greatly to a satisfactory resolution.
>>> Click here to view Letters of Thanks