Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Bargaining Committee Election Results

The Bargaining Committee has been elected:

Kevin McCool, Sylvia Surk, Claudette Trembley & David Allen

Chis Cotte is the first alternate.

Our current collective agreement expires December 31, 2008. The Committee will begin
the process of preparing proposals in the near future.

Please forward suggestions for the Bargaining Committee to the Union or any member of the bargaining committee.

Thank you to the Members who accepted nominations to the Committee.

Note: Please check the Documents and Reports page for updates on the Pension Case and Labour/Management.


OLG Security at Woodbine Bargaining Update:

As you are probably already aware, the OLG Security Unit, Woodbine-Slots are currently on strike at Woodbine. We will endeavor to keep you apprised of any developments.