Occupational Health and Safety Act Amendment Complete:
An Act (Bill 168) to amend the Occupational Health and Safety Act with respect to violence and harassment in the workplace and other matters has been given Royal Assent.
Click here: to view the changes including a summary. Or here: to link to Legislative Assembly of Ontario Website for this Bill.
CAW National and CAW Council Bursaries:
Each year 25 bursaries of $ 2000 each are offered to sons and daughters of CAW members in good standing entering their 1st year of post secondary education.
Click here: for details and application form.
Cribbage/Euchre and 8 Ball Tournaments:
The National Cribbage and Euchre Tournament will be held in Windsor on Jan. 24th. Click here: for details
The National 8-Ball Tournament will be held in London on Feb. 20th. Click here: for details