Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Labour Management Minutes Updates / Machine Malfunction Arbitration (June 2010)

Labour Management Minutes

The minutes for the January 8th & May 7th Labour Management Meetings are available on the Documents and Reports Page.

Please Note: On page 4 (item # 11) of the May 7th LM Minutes - "Emergency days and deemed hours" refers to the following communication: Emergency Leave Days under the ESA (Ontario)
Machine Malfunction Arbitration (June 2010)

"Arbitrator Raymond decided that the two repeat bets were not the result of machine malfunction. This decision has little significance beyond this case. This case has once again demonstrated the burden the Union must overcome to convince an arbitrator that a machine has malfunctioned. Please forward to the Union any significant instances of tote malfunctions, including tote reports.

This decision has only increased the Union's resolve to challenge shortages related to incorrect tickets."
Click here for a copy of Arbitrator Raymond's Award
1st Annual CAW National 4 Person Golf Scramble

This event will be held on July 24th at Greenhills Golf Club in Lambeth
Click here for more information