Monday, November 01, 2010

Part Time Pension Complaint Update

On the advice of legal counsel and due to the potential cost to our Local Union, it is with great regret that our Local has decided not to appeal the Financial Services Tribunal decision.

In the event of an unsuccessful appeal, our Local would be responsible for our legal costs, Woodbine’s legal costs and court cost which together have been estimated at $70,000. To date, the costs to our Local for this case have been negligible.
Labour Management Notice

A labour management meeting will be held Nov 11th.
If anyone has any issues please forward them on to Bob Ciprick so they can be discussed with management.
New Steward

We would like to thank eligibility member, Shane Sauve, for stepping up and accepting a role as one of our work place stewards. Although Shane is scheduled on a limited basis he is interested in working with the union and its members. Please use Shane as one of your contacts for workplace issues.
22nd Annual National Curling Bonspeil

This event will be held Nov. 20th in Midland ON
Click here for more info on this event.