Monday, March 27, 2006

Bargaining Unit Meeting Reminder

TO: All WEG Mutuel Employees

PLACE: Holiday Inn Toronto Airport East - 600 Dixon Rd;
located east of Carlingview and Hwy 27 and just west of Martingrove on the north side of Dixon Rd.

DATE: Sunday, April 2nd, 2006, 8:00pm


Hello Fellow Employees,
At our employee meeting we will give a progress report on negotiations;
--introduce our friends from Teamsters Canada;
--prepare for a Ministry vote;
--seek a mandate for first contract arbitration;
--seek a strike mandate
--review the shortage authorization issue
--review our contract proposals.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Questionnaire Report Now Available

The Results Are In

The report on our questionnaire returns is complete and available for downloading.

Questionnaire Report - MS Word format

Questionnaire Report - Acrobat format

Double click above link(s) to view or right-click to download and save.

Many thanks to those who contributed to this effort, especially the respondants.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Negotiations Update – March 02/06

Your negotiating team resumed bargaining with WEG on Monday, Feb 27. At that time we presented, to WEG, our proposals to amend the previous Collective Agreement. WEG stated that they were not ready to present their proposals at this time. Dates for the continuation of talks have been set for March 22, 27 and 28.

Copies of our Proposals and the previous Collective Agreement are now available for download.
Double click link to view (see below) or right-click to download and save.

Union Proposals tabled Feb27/06
MS Word format
Acrobat format

Previous Collective Agreement
MS Word format
Acrobat format

These, and future documents, will be posted in MS Word and Acrobat formats. As a general rule the MS Word files (xxxxx.doc) may be smaller but you must have MS Word installed on you computer. Acrobat files (xxxxx.pdf) require Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is freely available over the Internet. Both these file formats are quite common, but please let us know if you are experiencing any difficulties.

The Questionnaires continue to come in. We are very pleased with the level of response that we are receiving. With the bulk of them in at his time we have started to compile the information and will soon be in a position to report back to the membership these results.

Once again, we will email all members who are on our list whenever there are updates to this site. All members are encouraged to get any email addresses forwarded to us. Please print and distribute our updates to those members you know that do not have access to the internet.