Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Negotiation Committee Ballots Have Been Mailed

The Negotiation Committee Ballots have been mailed.

Please watch for the mailing and return your selections for the committee as soon as possible.

Bob Ciprick
CAW Local 2007

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Stand Up for Public Services

Please read the letter below received by our local from the Toronto Civic Employees' Union Local 416. Click here for a flyer.
Dear friends,
We would like to thank you for the support that you are showing the Toronto Civic Employees’ Union Local 416 as we Stand Up for Public Services and protect Toronto’s recycling and garbage services.  On May 17th, or 18th council will vote on a risky and dangerous precedent - whether or not to privatize:

•        Residential recycling, organics and garbage collection west of Yonge St.
•        Litter collection in all Parks
•        Street cleaning
•        Other collection across the city on an ‘adhoc basis’

PLEASE CALL 311 and ask to speak to your councillor immediately. You can also click   to find your councillor and sign our petition.  Ask them “Why take the risk?”

Please join us at City hall on May 17th or 18th to show that you oppose these contracts worth over a ¼ of a billion dollars going to a private for profit company. Please put these dates in your calendar and bring friends and co-workers down to City Hall, starting at 9:30 am and all the way through the evening.  We do not know exactly when this issue will come up for debate.  The mayor will likely try to keep the timing of this agenda item secret and change it at the last minute.

Be on alert for further updates – let us know that you can come to City Hall.  Just leave us as message at or call the union office 416-968-7800 (ext 257) and we will update you on Tuesday as things progress.

In Solidarity,
Mark Ferguson, President TCEU Local 416

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Nominations for the Negotiation Committee are Now Open

Nominations for the Negotiation Committee are now open and will remain open until midnight on Tuesday, May 17th, 2011.

All mutuels members are considered nominated and each member must accept their nomination by email, in writing, or by fax before the closing of nominations deadline noted above. Any other way of acceptance will not be considered valid. Once the nominations are closed an election, by mailings, will be held to elect four (4) members to the negotiating committee.

Email address to send acceptance -

Address for mailed acceptance -   CAW Local 2007
                                                15-2120 Headon Road
                                                Burlington, ON. L7M 4J9

Fax number: 416-628-7959 

If you have any questions about the negotiating committee and what is expected please call me at 905-334-6118.

Bob Ciprick
CAW Local 2007
CAW Economist, Jim Stanford Wins Public Policy Forum Testimonial Award

Please take a moment to read this fantastic speech by CAW Economist Jim Stanford, upon his receipt of the Public Policy Forum Testimonial award last week. 

Also honoured were: former Ontario Premier Bill Davis, RBC CEO Gord Nixon, Monique Leroux of Desjardins group in Quebec (credit union), Andre Picard (Globe and Mail health reporter), Victor Thomas (young Indo-Canadian president of the Regina Chamber of Commerce).

There were several excellent speeches that evening, but none better than Jim’s.  Read it here: