Wednesday, January 16, 2008

New Form to Record Tote Incidents - Pension Case Files Now Available

There have been many incidents reported due to the recent implementation of WEG's new tote system.

In our ongoing effort to monitor this new installation and protect ourselves from any adverse effects going forward, we encourage all members to document any incidents that you become aware of.

To this end, we have initiated an online Tote Incident Report Form.

CLICK HERE > Tote Incident Report Form

A printable version is also available. (Click on above link)

The Union has had discussions with the Canadian Pari-Mutuel Agency regarding un-cancelled incorrect tickets, problems with the new Am Tote system, shortages and other regulatory issues affecting mutuel employees. These discussions are ongoing.


(Click image above to enlarge)

Pension Case Files Now Available

The Documents and Reports page has been updated with the latest Grievance Report and


Friday, January 04, 2008

CAW Local 2007 Issues Media Release

Media Advisory - Racetrack workers fight unfair practices

TORONTO, Jan. 2 /CNW/ - The Canadian Auto Workers Local 2007 has launched a campaign to stop what the union calls "unreasonable rules and practices" for racetrack workers held responsible for the payment of incorrect betting tickets.

The most recent example of this occurred on December 1, when a betting clerk at the Greenwood Teletheatre in Toronto mistakenly issued an incorrect ticket to a patron. The patron had asked to place a $500 bet on a number 5 horse to win, but the final ticket read number 6.

The race started before the betting clerk was able to cancel the ticket and correct the error. The patron refused to accept the incorrect ticket and refused to pay the $500 that was owed. As is common practice with Woodbine Entertainment Group it then becomes the betting clerk's responsibility to pay the outstanding $500 fee.

As it turned out, the incorrect ticket became a winning ticket paying out $7,825. Rather than allow the betting clerk to collect the winnings an employer representative confiscated the winning ticket and subsequently reimbursed the $500 fee. Woodbine refuses to turn over the full proceeds of the ticket, which was in the teller's possession.

Based on past practice at the racetrack, the union believes that had the ticket lost, the betting clerk would not have been reimbursed the $500.

Hemi Mitic, Assistant to the CAW National President, considers this a blatantly unfair practice for betting clerks.

"Our members are being told to foot the bill for incorrect tickets, regardless if they are responsible for the error or not, and then told that they can't share in the rewards," Mitic said. "This is a double-standard that our union simply won't stand for."

CAW Local 2007 represents over 500 workers at Woodbine and Mohawk racetracks, as well as more than two dozen off-track Teletheatre operations in the GTA.

For further information: Brian Henderson, CAW Local 2007 President, (519) 856-0295

In Further Developments
Read this article published in Friday's Toronto Star Race clerks can't win for losing

and from Standardbred Canada:
Ticket Issue Leads To Comments From CAW, WEG

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Seniority List Employees’ Weekly Union Dues Deduction for 2008

As per our Merger Agreement and the CAW Constitution, the union dues payable by Seniority List employees is based on two hours and twenty minutes straight time pay:

(2 hours and twenty minutes times the hourly terminal operator rate of pay times12 months) divided by 52 weeks

(2 1/3 X $22.50 X 12) / 52 = $12.12 per week

WEG has indicated that payroll will implement the new deduction beginning in the 3rd week of January.


Thank You, Brothers and Sisters

Local 2007 extends our sincerest thanks to all those who assisted during the Bartenders and Servers Strike.

In particular, CAW Local 252 and Local 112 extended logistical and picket line support that contributed greatly to a satisfactory resolution.
>>> Click here to view Letters of Thanks