Friday, December 01, 2006

Can You Believe It >>>> CRWU Marks Our 1st Anniversary

Yes, it's true.
We received our certification one year ago today.

We wish one and all the very best over the holidays and into the New Year.


Sunday, November 26, 2006

Information Update

It has come to our attention that WEG customer service employees were selling dollar pick-7 quick picks directly to the public yesterday (Friday, Nov. 24/06).

The Union is in the process of filing a policy grievance against WEG, as well as filing complaints with the Ontario Racing Commission and the Canadian Pari-Mutuel Agency (CPMA) for violating their respective regulations.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

UPDATE on FSCO order to include Non Seniority List employees in Pension Plan

Here is the latest news on this issue.

Please refer to our posting of Friday, July 21, 2006 -

"Woodbine ordered to include Non Seniority List employees in Pension Plan"


The letter above from FSCO in - Adobe format

Double click link to view or right-click to download and save.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Grievance Report

WEG has agreed not to require employees to work Statutory Holidays unless they have requested to do so.

The Union has filed a policy grievance that each Seniority List should be entitled to twelve (12) one day/shift SU’s for calendar year 2006.

The Union has filed a grievance regarding WEG’s policy of requiring any employee who indicates they are available to work a 7th day, be available for all three shifts on that 7th day. It is the Union’s position that any employee who is available for six (6) full days should be allowed to select one or more shifts on the 7th day of the week.

The Union has filed a policy grievance regarding WEG’s unreasonable shortage guidelines and related discipline. WEG has no specific shortage guidelines and some of the discipline is, in our view, outrageous. For example, a Seniority List employee was given the following suspension:

“Your shortage record for the month of September totaled $14.00 and you were short 11% of the time you worked……You are to serve a one day suspension…“

The Union has filed for arbitration where WEG has not allowed employees to return to work at specific teletheatres for strike related activity.

The Union has filed for arbitration for a case where WEG has required a teller to pay $500 for a ticket a customer did not want. A successful resolution to this case may have a huge bearing on the inherent unreasonable risks related to our jobs.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Information Update

For grievances and related legal issues which originated prior to the certification of the CRWU (December 1st, 2005), Cam Nelson, the President of SEIU Local 2 on, Brewery, General and Professional Workers Union, has offered to act as legal counsel for the CRWU.

The CRWU has accepted this offer.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Information Update

Hello Brothers and Sisters

Effective October 22, 2006, we have terminated our service agreement with Teamsters Local 419. We are very grateful to the Teamsters for the assistance they have provided. We must repay that assistance. We will do this by recovering union dues that were not collected during the six-month period from January to June 2006. By increasing the monthly dues for Seniority List Employees by ¾ an hour for 18 months from November 1, 2006 until April 30, 2008 we will raise the necessary funds.

Our current monthly union dues are 2 ¼ times the terminal operator hourly rate of pay. This is multiplied by 12 months and divided by 52 weeks to calculate the weekly dues deduction.

Effective this November, the weekly dues deduction will be:

(3 X $21.50 X 12) / 52 = $14.88

We have a Labour-Management/ Scheduling Committee Meeting scheduled for November 6th. Please forward suggestions.

Shortages and a management strategy to reduce costs by forcing our customers to use self-serve terminals continue to be major problems for us with no easy fix. We will attempt to get WEG to modify some of its strategies by using every resource at our disposal to develop realistic ideas of our own and presenting them professionally.

Regarding shortages, we plan on making representation to the Canadian Pari-Mutuel Agency to make their regulations more friendly to mutuel employees and not just a tool for racing associations to collect shortages. When we last made a major submission to the CPMA in 1977, they suggested that one recourse was to charge customers who were overpaid. They sent us a newspaper article, which is included here.


We already have a number of grievances regarding shortages; one involves a wrong/stuck ticket. A satisfactory resolution to this case may reduce the risk of being stuck with a wrong ticket.

In Solidarity,

CRWU REPRESENTATIVES: as of September 28, 2006

Brian D. Henderson

John Stafford

Susan Borbely

Fred Sykes

Maureen Innes

Ronni Dowling
Rod Horner
Angie Laurusaitis

John Colacci
Tracy Duenas
Brian D. Henderson
John Stafford
Fred Sykes - (Alternate)

Patricia Ashby
Susan Borbely
Lynne Bunting
Rejeanne Caya
Dave Davis - Chief Steward
Paula Gaetan
Roxanne Harlow
Rod Horner
Dawn Kelly
Nancy Mahar
Sylvia Surk

Friday, July 21, 2006

Woodbine ordered to include Non Seniority List employees in Pension Plan

On June 15, 2004, a submission was sent to the Superintendent of the Financial Services Commission of Ontario (FSCO) requesting the FSCO to order Woodbine to accept Non Seniority List employees as Members of the Mutuel Employees Pension Plan. On July 7, 2006, the FSCO agreed to the request.

Here is part of the communication sent by the FSCO to Woodbine:

“Please confirm by July 31, 2006 that corrective action has been taken to remedy this situation, as follows:

All ‘Non-Seniority List’ employees who satisfied the minimum service requirements as set out under the Pension Benefits Act (Ontario), effective January 1, 1988, would be entitled to membership in the Plan effective January 1, 1988 or at any time after that date once they met the minimum service requirements set out in Section 31 of the PBA.

All ‘Seniority List’ employees who were previously “Non-Seniority List’ employees will need to have their date adjusted in accordance with the minimum service requirements set out in Section 31 of the PBA."
“Part-time employment
1. (3) A pension plan may require not more than twenty-four months of less than full-time continuous employment with the employer, with the lesser of,

(a) earnings of not less than 35 per cent of the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings;

(b) 700 hours of employment with the employer, in each of two consecutive calendar years immediately prior to membership in the pension plan, or such equivalent basis as is approved by the Superintendent, as a condition precedent to membership in the pension plan.”

Woodbine has requested additional time and information from FSCO before it responds.

We will keep you posted as this case develops.

There are many issues to be addressed.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Are You Thinking About - " Voluntary Resignation " ? ? ?

Seniority List employees thinking about the "Voluntary Resignation with SeverancePayment" option as per our new Collective Agreement may be interested in
Revenue Canada's Guide T4040, "RRSPs and Other Registered Plans for Retirement"

- available here in Adobe format.

See - Chapter 5, beginning on page 22 and the chart, which follows.

An Income Tax consultant/accountant may be able to assist you in determining the amount, in addition to the amount listed on your annual RRSP Deduction Limit Statement, that you may be able to transfer directly into a RPP or RRSP.

You can contact Sun Life to get information about continuing coverage for various benefits. As current plan members, Sun Life offers conversions to individual plans. Those employees who are 55 years of age or older have the alternative of "Early Retirement" where some benefits are continued until age 65 at WEG ‘s expense.

Making the right choices for you and your family will require careful consideration of all the options and their implications.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Negotiations Update - July 07, 2006

Our bargaining committee presented a Memorandum of Settlement to a well attended meeting held last night ( Thursday, July 6/06).

The committee recommended that the membership accept the terms of the Memorandum.
The results of a secret ballot vote indicated that the membership accepted the committee's recommendation and has accepted the offer.

This last offer of settlement was better than the previous two offers that were rejected by the members, as requested by the Union. These improvements were a direct result of the efforts of those members who committed themselves to their picketing assignments (and in many cases went above and beyond the call of duty). We applaud your efforts and dedication.

Thank You - CRWU

In an effort to facilitate the return to work we are making next weeks schedule available for download. The schedule is in Adobe format below.

Please note that this schedule is sorted by Seniority and not alphabetically as we are accustomed to.

Schedule for the week beginning July 9/06 - Adobe format

Double click link to view or right-click to download and save.


It has come to our attention that the following employees scabbed during our strike:

Seniority List employees:
Mary Louise Anderson
Keith Beaton
Donna Cadeau
Shirley Coffey
Gigi Chow
Richard Chung
Lydia Finnie
Adele Lee
Elia Lee
Susie Lee
Perry Mark

Eligibility List employees:
Gena Baijnauth
Elita Diaz
Sara Kumprey
Shannon Kumprey
Dinah Montgomery
Robert Stoehr

Other employees:
Eileen Beaton
Milton Belinsky
Doreen Borst
Sasha Roberts
Savitri Singh
Eric So
Linda Topping

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

CRWU Places ad in Toronto Star and issues press release

We have issued a major press release in to all the relevant media and our first ad appeared in today’s Toronto Star's GTA Section (page 5).

Copy of the ad in the Star:


Woodbine Entertainment is a not for profit? corporation, subsidized by government slots, which has accumulated income of over $112 million during the last five years.

One of the few good things to come out of legalized gambling is the creation of decent, full-time jobs.

Woodbine now wants its Seniority Employees to work an average of 24 hours per week or we will lose our benefits. Sounds reasonable, but this is unattainable for employees whose shifts are 4 1/2 hours and for employees whose shifts are cut back in December. We want longer/normal shifts like any full-time employee. Woodbine requires us to be on call 6 days a week, 18 hours a day, for 20 locations.

Please help us earn a living wage by supporting our strike at Woodbine and Mohawk Racetrack/Slots, Greenwood, WEGZ, Turf Lounge and all Woodbine teletheatres.

Thank you

Brian Henderson
President, Canadian Racetrack Workers Union
Brian Lawrence
Vice President, Teamsters Local 419

July 3, 2006



Picketing continued with a vengeance at the Woodbine racetrack over the Canada Day weekend. The betting clerks have been on strike since June 21st. The clerks informed the long lines of frustrated race and slot patrons of their fight to retain their benefits and get longer shifts.

Woodbine Entertainment is a not for profit ? corporation, subsidized by government slot revenue, which has accumulated income of over $112 million during the last five years.

Woodbine wants its Seniority List employees to work an average of 24 hours per week in order to receive benefits. This sounds reasonable, but will be unattainable for employees whose shifts are 4 ½ hours and for employees who face cut backs in December. The betting clerks want longer shifts so that they can earn a living wage. They are required to be on call 6 days a week, 18 hours a day, for 20 locations.
The 680 clerks in the bargaining unit work at Mohawk and Woodbine Racetrack/slots, Greenwood, WEGZ, and other Woodbine teletheatres. The workers belong to the Canadian Racetrack Workers Union and are represented by Teamsters Local 419. Talks are scheduled for Wednesday, July 5th.
at theHoliday Inn Toronto Airport East - 600 Dixon Rd;
We will continue our efforts to raise public awareness of this dispute through the media.

Saturday, July 01, 2006



THURSDAY, JULY 6th at 7:30 pm at the
Holiday Inn Toronto Airport East - 600 Dixon Rd;
- located east of Carlingview and Hwy 27 and just west of Martingroveon the north side of Dixon Rd.

· Report on negotiations
· Secret ballot vote if there is any improved offer from the Company
· There will be no picketing this evening. Those who report at the meeting will be credited for picketing hours.


Fraternally yours,
Brian Henderson: President

Thursday, June 29, 2006

A Queen's Plate Day to Remember

Woodbine's 50th Anniversary Queen's Plate Day has come and went. It was a memorable event for all the wrong reasons.
For the 1st time in the 50 years the race has been held at Woodbine, no representative of the Queen was in attendance. Why ? Because James Bartleman, Ontario's lieutenant governor will not cross a picket line.
Thank you brother Bartleman.

The ontrack handle for the card was down 34% from last year. - OUCH
The all-sources handle was down 14%.

What was going on out there ?

Ah yes, and inside ?

What could possibly be so embarrassing ?

Now that's something to remember.

In solidarity,

Friday, June 23, 2006

Message from Brett Goodall

Message from Brett Goodall - past President of SEIU Local 528

As you all know, our membership has been divided since the vote was taken to leave Local 528.

At this time, I urge each and every WEG Mutuel employee to set aside those differences, and to work in solidarity during our upcoming war with Woodbine.

We must support our negotiating team's efforts by picketing when scheduled, and even more when possible.

There is only one enemy. WEG!!!!!!!

In Solidarity,

Brett Goodall

Monday, June 19, 2006




Holiday Inn Toronto Airport East - 600 Dixon Rd;
- located east of Carlingview and Hwy 27 and just west of Martingrove
on the north side of Dixon Rd.

· Report on negotiations
· Secret ballot vote on the Company’s final offer/or Memorandum of Settlement


The bargaining unit will be on strike at 6:00 pm, Wednesday, June 21st

Any member who is working at that time is to stop working at 6:00 pm and attend the meeting detailed above.

Any member who is scheduled to work at or after 6:00 pm should not report for work and attend the meeting detailed above.

All bargaining unit members will be notified of the meeting and strike action by telephone.

Please convey this message to any co-workers that may not have access to our email and internet information.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Negotiations Update - June 14, 2006


The Membership Meeting for Sunday, June 18 has been cancelled and your committee is scheduled to resume talks with the WEG on Tuesday, June 20.

We are planning NO JOB ACTION before meeting with Woodbine on Tuesday, June 20.

Disregard the mailing that was sent out earlier this week.

Please convey this message to any co-workers that may not have access to our email and internet information.

We will notify all members by telephone, as soon as possible, about the meeting cancellation.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Negotiations Update - June 10, 2006

Our bargaining committee presented Woodbine's offer of settlement to a well attended meeting held this morning ( Sat. June 10/06). Congratulations to all those who came out to support our committee and express themselves through their comments and the ballot box. Your committee thanks you for the many kind words of encouragement and your engagement in this process.

The bargaining committee did not recommend the acceptance of WEG's offer and requested a strike mandate.

Woodbine's offer was rejected by the membership.
The membership delivered a strike mandate.

Your committee is determined to reach an acceptable settlement and will resume negotiations.

We are on STRIKE ALERT. You will be notified immediately when job action is necessary.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Negotiations Update - June 03, 2006

Our bargaining committee met with WEG on May 30 and June 2.

We have meetings with WEG scheduled for June 7 and 9.

Woodbine has hired approximately 100 new mutuel employees in recent months. These new hirees are members of our bargaining unit and, as such, will be entitled to vote on any Collective Agreement under the Labour Laws of Ontario. It is extremely important that these new employees understand, as we all should, that we are determined to secure an agreement that benefits all members of the bargaining unit.

It is in the interest of all of us, including newly hired employees, to support our bargaining committee in its efforts.

Teamsters Canada, Local 419 has provided us with an office, a computer and other necessary equipment at the Teamsters Canada location on Airport Road. We will be setting up our office in the near future and will notify the membership with all the details as soon as they become available.

NOTICE: All members have been notified of a Bargaining Unit Meetting, June 10/06. Check our previous post for details.



Saturday June 10th, 2006
AT 8:30 A.M.
Royal Canadian Legion
4025 Brandon Gate Dr I
Mississauga ON L4T 3Z9


· Report on negotiations
· Secret ballot vote on the Company’s final offer/or Memorandum of Settlement
· Secret ballot vote to authorize a strike

NOTE: June 10, 2006 at 12:01 A.M. is the strike/lock-out deadline.


Fraternally yours,

Brian Henderson: President

Copies of our mailed notification of above meeting and map & directions are available for download.
Double click link to view or right-click to download and save.

Notification of Meeting - June 10/06
MS Word format
Adobe format

Map & Directions
MS Word format
Adobe format

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Proposed Changes to the Collective Agreement

At our May 17th meeting with Woodbine, the Union tabled our revised changes to the Collective Agreement (CA). In this instance, we tabled our proposals as they would appear in the body of the CA wherever possible. Admittedly, this makes for an unwieldy working document. It does, however, allow everyone to see the proposed changes, additions, and deletions in context.

All deletions appear as stikeouts - text has horizontal line through it

All changes and additions appear in bold text- bold text

Copies of our Revised Proposals are available for download.
Double click link to view or right-click to download and save.

Revised Union Proposals tabled May 17/06

MS Word format
Acrobat format

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Negotiations Update - May 19, 2006

At our May 17th meeting with Woodbine, the Union asked for a no board report which will put the parties in a legal strike/lock-out position as of midnight June 9th.

We plan on having a Bargaining Unit Meeting/Meetings and a vote on a contract proposal shortly after this date.

We have meetings with WEG scheduled for May 30, June 2, 7 and 9.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Negotiations Update - May 5, 2006

On May 3rd, our Bargaining Committee met with WEG in the presence of a Ministry appointed conciliation officer. Progress continues to be slow.

Because we are now at the conciliation stage of the process, either party can request a no board report at any time. This would place us in a legal strike / lockout position within twenty days from the day the request is made.

There can be no labour dispute before our bargaining unit has had an opportunity to vote on a WEG offer. This is the law. In order to get the best offer we possibly can, it is vital that WEG knows that we support our Bargaining Committee.

We have meetings with WEG scheduled for May 17, 30, June 2, 7 and 9.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Negotiations Update - April 21, 2006

Our bargaining committee met with WEG on April 17, 18 & 19.

We have made little progress at the table.

Negotiations have been deadlocked on the issues of:

- Scheduling of work, including the assignment of unfilled, additional and vacated shifts
- Minimum requirements for Seniority and Eligibility List employees,
- Size of the Seniority List and
- Minimum shift length.

We presented, to WEG, our revised proposals to amend the previous Collective Agreement on April 17.

WEG is following its usual pattern of showing little interest in Union issues and may be preparing to go directly to employees with a government-supervised vote. It should be no surprise to anyone, that our issues and the negotiating committee will not be taken seriously until WEG is convinced that we have the courage and determination to reject any WEG offer presented to us in this manner, with or without, a lockout threat attached.

When we are at work, it is important that we send the right message to our fellow employees, especially those recently hired, and any WEG management with which we may come in contact. We have the resolve and the strength to pursue our collective goals and in this we are united. We are a Union.

The Union has filed for the assistance of a Labour Ministry appointed conciliation officer. Like any competent union, we are preparing, with the Teamsters for the possibility of a labour dispute.

Copies of our Revised Proposals are available for download.
Double click link to view or right-click to download and save.

Revised Union Proposals tabled April 17/06
MS Word format
Acrobat format

We are scheduled to resume discussions with Woodbine on May 1 & 2.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Negotiations Update - April 4, 2006

At our April 2nd meeting we received a 100% mandate to request first contract arbitration at our discretion.

We also received an 86% strike mandate.

We discussed the results of our questionnaire and sought further guidance on issues. This Union is committed to following the direction of the membership, but we can accomplish nothing without your support. A ministry vote, which undermines our bargaining committee and may be used by WEG at any time, must be defeated on principle alone.

By the end of this week, we anticipate formalizing a service agreement with Teamsters Union Local 419. This agreement allows us to maintain our independent status while giving us the support of Teamsters Canada including strike pay.

Further to our recommendation to file complaints regarding the shortage authorization issue, you may now also file a complaint on line. Go to the Employment Standards Claim's online application and follow the instructions.

We are scheduled to resume discussions with Woodbine on Monday and Tuesday, Apr. 17 & 18.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Bargaining Unit Meeting Reminder

TO: All WEG Mutuel Employees

PLACE: Holiday Inn Toronto Airport East - 600 Dixon Rd;
located east of Carlingview and Hwy 27 and just west of Martingrove on the north side of Dixon Rd.

DATE: Sunday, April 2nd, 2006, 8:00pm


Hello Fellow Employees,
At our employee meeting we will give a progress report on negotiations;
--introduce our friends from Teamsters Canada;
--prepare for a Ministry vote;
--seek a mandate for first contract arbitration;
--seek a strike mandate
--review the shortage authorization issue
--review our contract proposals.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Questionnaire Report Now Available

The Results Are In

The report on our questionnaire returns is complete and available for downloading.

Questionnaire Report - MS Word format

Questionnaire Report - Acrobat format

Double click above link(s) to view or right-click to download and save.

Many thanks to those who contributed to this effort, especially the respondants.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Negotiations Update – March 02/06

Your negotiating team resumed bargaining with WEG on Monday, Feb 27. At that time we presented, to WEG, our proposals to amend the previous Collective Agreement. WEG stated that they were not ready to present their proposals at this time. Dates for the continuation of talks have been set for March 22, 27 and 28.

Copies of our Proposals and the previous Collective Agreement are now available for download.
Double click link to view (see below) or right-click to download and save.

Union Proposals tabled Feb27/06
MS Word format
Acrobat format

Previous Collective Agreement
MS Word format
Acrobat format

These, and future documents, will be posted in MS Word and Acrobat formats. As a general rule the MS Word files (xxxxx.doc) may be smaller but you must have MS Word installed on you computer. Acrobat files (xxxxx.pdf) require Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is freely available over the Internet. Both these file formats are quite common, but please let us know if you are experiencing any difficulties.

The Questionnaires continue to come in. We are very pleased with the level of response that we are receiving. With the bulk of them in at his time we have started to compile the information and will soon be in a position to report back to the membership these results.

Once again, we will email all members who are on our list whenever there are updates to this site. All members are encouraged to get any email addresses forwarded to us. Please print and distribute our updates to those members you know that do not have access to the internet.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Negotiations Update - Feb 22/06

Negotiations Update - Feb 22/06

As you may know, your negotiating committee had our first meeting with WEG yesterday. Steve Mitchell, WEG’s CFO, addressed the meeting with a reasonably detailed report on the WEG’s financial picture over the past few years and briefed us on their initiatives moving forward.

The balance of the meeting, and our next few sessions, can be characterized as “issue based discussions” as opposed to “position based”. That is to say that rather than exchanging “positions” on a particular item, both parties identify areas of concern or issues and discuss them in a broader, less formal format.

Only time will tell if this approach will yield positive results. Sooner or later these discussions will lead to more formalized positions.

It is our intention to use our previous Collective Agreement as the basis of our bargaining. This is the normal approach when re-negotiating a contract, although in theory all items are open for discussion. There was no indication in yesterday’s talks that WEG will move away from this model.

We have been, and are still receiving a heartening response from our questionnaire. As you can well imagine, it will take some time to distill all the feedback and this process will be completed over the next few weeks. Ultimately, the members will have to make decisions on these and other issues as they arise. This questionnaire is an encouraging beginning to this process.

We are scheduled to resume discussions with Woodbine next Monday and Tuesday, Feb. 27 & 28.

Further updates will be available as soon a possible.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006



Hello Fellow Employees.

Watch you mailbox for a questionnaire from your negotiating commitee.

You can click on this link - QUESTIONAIRE - to download a copy.

Please return the questionnaire as soon as possible. We have negotiating meetings with Woodbine scheduled for February 21, 27 & 28. We plan on submitting our union proposals on February 27 or 28. We will modify our proposals to reflect the views of the membership.

At an appropriate time, we plan on having a bargaining unit meeting to report the progress of negotiations and review our proposals and recommendations.

We are pleased to launch our website and will be posting bargaining information as soon as it becomes available. So,

If you would like to receive information by email, please forward your address to our new official email address .

We all want better wages, benefits, working conditions and job security--the skill is to prioritize, to identify significant issues and develop legitimate consensus and policy where necessary. This is a difficult and ongoing process; but it is the road to credibility. It is the responsibility of democratic leadership to show the way and lead the way and let the membership choose the way.

Yours sincerely,
Brian D Henderson President CRWU
John Stafford Vice President CRWU
Susan Borbely Secretary-Treasurer CRWU

Bargaining Committee Members: Tracy Duenas, Daren Gomez, Wendy Heipel, Wayne Morning, Lennox Gonsalves(1st Alternate) & Mary Benini(2nd Alternate).